Alex Chicoine

hike50 participant

Date completed: 12/27/2022

Miles: 53.1 miles

4-10-22 Talcott Mtn sec 17 5.6 miles

4-17-22 Castle Craig sec 14 7 miles

5-29-22 Lamentation Mtn sec 13 5 miles

7-3-33 Rattlesnake Mtn sec 16 6.5 miles

10-30-22 Lamentation Mtn sec 13 5.6 miles

11-20-22 Pinnacle sec 16 4.7 miles

11-26-22 Talcott Mtn sec 17 6.5 miles

12-18-22 Bluff Head sec 9 5.8 miles

12-27-22 Mt Pisgah sec 9 6.4 miles


Base: Oakville, CT

What do you love about the NET?

The proximity to where I live, and there are some more challenging parts of it. I like looking up the history of the places near where I hike

Advice for NET Hikers:

Just get out and explore. There’s a hike for everyone.


How would you describe the New England Trail to someone who has never hiked it?

There’s a little bit of everything. deep woods where you feel like you’re in a wilderness and then a few miles later you’re overlooking a city or highway.

Trail Story:

I just had a fun time with my dog exploring more local hikes. I tried taking her to some new places and found some fun new ones for myself!


Jordan Marchand

Hike100 participant

Date Completed: 6/4/2022


Home Base: Lowell, MA


Miles: 235 miles


What do you love about the NET?


It’s close to home and I had a support system to meet me in 2 towns to help me get a shower and resupply!


Trail Story: 

It was really fun, and I was pleasantly surprised with the beauty of it. I thru hiked the AT last year and was really itching to do another thru hike, and it made so much sense to choose the NET since it’s right in my backyard. I didn’t expect incredible sweeping mountainous views like on the AT in NC or NH/ME, and honestly thought the entire trail would likely be in the green tunnel. I loved popping out of the woods every so often to small viewpoints that I think showcased some of the hidden beauty that CT has to offer. I set out with the intent of challenging myself to see how quick I could complete it, and ended up completing it in roughly 7 days (two half days and six full days).