NET Hike Challenge 2025
Over 75,000 miles hiked in 7 years of the NET Hike Challenge!
You read that right— the NET Hike Challenge is back for 2025!
Over the last seven years, over 1,000 participants have completed the challenge, logging over 70,000 miles on the New England Trail! You heard that right, over 70,000 miles or points earned by you through hiking, volunteering, and exploring! Thank you for choosing the NET over and over again for your adventures.
In 2018 we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System with our first 50-mile challenge. In 2019, we built upon this by adding an extra 100-mile challenge to highlight the 10- year anniversary of the designation of the NET. In 2020, we encouraged participants to use the NET as their close-to-home trail amidst travel restrictions. We’re keeping the momentum going with our eighth year of celebrating your commitment and stewardship of the NET!
With a beautiful year of hiking ahead, we are excited to announce the 2025 Hike Challenge!
Now more than ever, spending time outdoors has become a crucial part of staying mentally and physically healthy. Hike 50 or 100 miles (unique or repetitive) during the 2025 calendar year on the NET and submit your points to receive a special edition completion patch sent out at the end of the year.

Starting your 2025 Hike 50/100 Challenge is easy!
- Step 1: Click here to sign up now for the 2025 challenge. We will send you updates throughout the year of additional ways to earn points, special events, and other trail announcements. Keep an eye out for charming but infrequent correspondence.
- Step 2: Download tools for your Hike 50/100 NET Challenge. Hike Challenge Guidelines, Kids Log Sheet, Bingo, Printable “I completed the Hike50 (or Hike100) Challenge” certificate for completion photos! (Download and share with your community).
- Step 3: Take a look at our online map and start planning your 2025 adventures! The trail awaits. If you don’t know where to start or don’t want to hike alone, take a look at our suggested hikes or visit our online calendar of events.
- Step 4: Finish the challenge by Dec. 31, 2025, and submit your completion using the links below! Be sure to submit a photo or story with your completion so that we can highlight it on our website! Please keep in mind patches will be sent out the start of the following year, January 2026.
- Step 5: Share your adventures with others on social media using the hashtags #Hike50NET, #Hike100NET, #NewEnglandTrail or #FindYourTrail. Show us your pictures and your stories! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. If you tag us you may see your pictures and stories featured on our pages.
Challenge Guidelines
The rules of the challenge are simple! Anyone who hikes 50 or 100 miles on the NET during the 2025 calendar year will receive a patch and certificate. Hiking however, is not the only way to earn points and complete the challenge. We welcome you to design your own Hike 50 Challenge in a way that fits your lifestyle! We’ve come up with a list of alternate ways to earn points and celebrate our trail. Look here to learn about all of the ways you can earn points and receive a patch!
NET Hike Challenge FAQs
No they don’t! We want this challenge to fit your life as best as possible and encourage people to get on the trail! If someone hikes the same 5 miles over and over, equal to 50, that will count. Skiing and snowshoeing also count!
No. But we recommend that you do so that you don’t miss out on cool prizes and tips! Also, by signing up, we get a better sense of how many visitors are on the trail!
Your kids can absolutely get a patch. There is no age limit! Every member of your family who hikes 50 miles or earns 50 points on the New England Trail in 2024 is eligible to earn a patch. Keep an eye out for information from us about kid-friendly NET activities! As much as we love your dogs, the patch is only for people.
We are offering a digital toolkit for those who sign up for the special Hike 50 email list. However, there is no right or wrong way to track your progress. Whether you use our log sheet, create a spreadsheet, use an app or write them in a notebook we are just happy that you are joining us on the trail!
No! This challenge is free thanks to the assistance from the Partnership for The National Trails System, National Park Service and donations from generous supporters!
Didn’t find what you were looking for here? Feel free to reach out to us via email and we will be happy to answer your NET Hike Challenge related questions.
Do so here to join us on the trail!