Hike50 participant
Date completed: 11/13/2021
Home base: Lexington, MA
Miles: Ran the entire Mattabesett-Menunkatuck from Middletown to Guilford = 44mi = 44 points + 10 points volunteer time for AMC.
Trail Story:
We had a beautiful start to the day with clear sky & cool temperature. Signs were visible & trail easy to follow. The trail was easier in the second half with much less elevation gain than the first half. Then a thunderstorm came in the afternoon. Bright lightning was flashing in many directions. Loud thunder boomed in the distance. We kept running at low elevation between tall trees. Just as we finished wearing our rain jackets, gloves, & headlights, rain started. Heavy & cold. We ran to stay warm. An hour later, clear sky returned, the moon lit our path, & we were at the final stretch for the day.
Full story at https://mcccxxv.wordpress.com/2018/10/27/new-england-trail-hike-50-challenge