Essays & Poetry
Are you able to translate your most inspiring trail moments into words? Do you find the magic of the Trail and the magic of language a magic all its own? We do…and so have others like our NET Artists-in-Residence. Be inspired by the essays and poetry from some of our most-talented trail friends.
- A Summer Spent on the New England Trail: Read about the work of our NET Outreach Assistant, Lydia Jankowski, after she spent the Summer of 2021 collecting data on the New England Trail.
- Early Autumn and the New England Trail: Enjoy this autumnal essay by composer, Ben Cosgrove, NET Artist-Residence (2017-2018).
- Half a Million Footsteps- A Journey Along the New England Trail: Did you know you can travel the length of the NET through poetry? Join David Leff, NET Artist-in-Residence (2016-2017), as he deep travels our National Scenic Trail through the study of Haibun poems.